Chapter 10 : Step 2 - Make a Plan

You know what to wish for. You have committed yourself to pay the price. You have made your wish presentable. Now you need to create a plan to put your wish in motion.

To create an effective plan, you will construct a simple plan of action in which you break your wish into persuasive steps so small that you can’t wait to get started on the first one, then the next, and then the one after that, until before you know it you have made your wish come true.

In essence, your plan is a bridge from thinking to doing. It translates your wish from an idea into the actions necessary to turn that idea into reality.

A good plan motivates you to complete even the most minor details because it drapes each one in the larger purpose. When you work any step of the plan, you feel like you’re working the whole plan so every step is worth your best effort.

But the magic of your plan is not in the details, it’s in the freedom those details give you. Freedom from the distraction of worrying about what to do next. Freedom to focus all your energy and attention on the single step at hand, knowing that every step you complete takes you that much closer to where you want to go. Freedom to try, because you know you’ll succeed. A good plan sets your mind at ease and your body in motion. It removes confusion, uncertainty, and doubt so you can concentrate on getting the job done.

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