Chapter 12 : Conclusion

Sports nutrition is a complex matter.  What is important to you and your body is likely not going to be important or as important to someone else.

It can not be stressed enough that the athlete should have a complete health physical done to insure that he is ready to pursue his athletic dreams and his physical height of perfection.

The goal of a physical should be to rule out any conditions that may hinder you but it also should provide information about your needs.

You can learn about your nutritional needs, based on your specific body type and your ability to meet any deficiency that you may have. 

When it comes to sports nutrition, there are few things that are 100% accurate about it.  The fact is that we are all different people and that means that our lives and our goals are all different. 

With that too comes the fact that your body is uniquely yours and even if you follow a diet perfectly, it may react differently to the conditions you present. 

Yet, when we condition ourselves from a nutritional standpoint, following basic rules of maintaining healthy bodies, we will see our bodies improve.

Over time, your body will become stealthily built to take on whatever physical challenges that you provide for it. 

Your body will be honed to fit each of your demands to the level of perfection you crave.  And, with it will come the highest level of success you can achieve both physically and mentally.

Remember, though, that this will not come without a price to pay.  You will need to work for it and you will need sheer dedications to make it happen.  In the end, this is what will define you and your needs. 

Dedication to your sports nutrition is the foundation of everything that goes into being an athlete.

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