Chapter 10 : Types of Yoga

The Nine Styles of Yoga

Did you know that there are actually nine basic styles of yoga? You will find an overview below of each of the different styles of yoga which you can learn.

Hatha Yoga: This is probably the most common form of yoga in the Western world. Hatha yoga involves cleansing rituals and breathing exercises to help move the body's energy through breathing. It is also known for many of the posture exercises which are part of this style of yoga.

When performing the poses of Hatha yoga use your diaphragm to inhale and not your chest muscles. You will see and feel a huge difference. Try to make yourself feel as though you are dancing from movement to movement. Never force your body into something that you just can't perform.  With practice you will notice your body becoming more flexible and supple.

There is a spiritual purpose to Hatha yoga and this is to balance your physical and physic energies.

Raja Yoga: This is also known as The Royal Path and uses meditation, concentration and breath control.  Many instructors refer to Raja yoga as the yoga of the mind. Many like to use Raja yoga after they have perfected control of their body with Hatha yoga.

Kriya  Yoga:  These  are  commonly  referred  to  as  action  yogas.  Kirya  yoga  means calming the mind through self study, breathing techniques and meditation.  Kirya yoga acknowledges that our divine energy is stored in the lower parts of our body. This technique allows a person to help move this energy up through your spine.

Karma Yoga: Those that follow this style of yoga attempt to increase virtue by working for others and not thinking about their own personal desires and goals. You are learning to perform a selfless action.

Bhakti  Yoga:  This  involves  learning  about  the  divine  presence.  It  incorporates reverence, devotion and perpetual remembrance as it relates to each individual.  This type of yoga opens your heart and allows you to achieve a feeling of unity.

Jnana Yoga: This involves the path of knowledge and helps you open up your enquiring mind.  This is done by questioning, through meditation and contemplation.  If you participate in Jnana Yoga you will find your way of thinking becomes questionable.

Tantra, Mantra, Kundalini Yoga: This three styles of yoga are often grouped together. These styles study writings and rituals as well as sacred sounds. To learn these styles you must learn from a very qualified instructor as you will need to be emotionally, morally and mentally prepared for these teachings.

Even though Yoga is considered a spiritual exercise many people today partake in Yoga for the exercises alone. They do not want to be involved in the spiritual side of Yoga. This is perfectly acceptable and actually one of the main reasons why it is so popular. The exercises alone are of such a great health benefit and can easily be performed without the mind sessions which some people may find uncomfortable.

Yoga Types – Quick Guide to the Different Types of Yoga

There are many types of yoga styles around and reading about each one can be a little confusing. What you want to remember is that all yoga styles are based on the same yoga poses or postures.

Hatha Yoga is extremely popular and this style of yoga involves very gentle movements. Hatha yoga classes tend to be more of a moderate paced class. These types of classes are often recommended for beginners as you will be taught the basics of yoga.

Bikram Yoga is another name which you will come across a lot. Bikram Yoga is also known as hot yoga. Hot yoga is done in a classroom where the heat is between 95 to
100 degrees. The high temperatures help your muscles to relax. This is very good if you suffer from tight muscles. You will sweat immensely during this class and this amount of sweating is said to help cleanse your body. Bikram yoga uses 26 poses but they are not all used in each class.

Power Yoga classes are based on a mixture of yoga styles, the Ashtanga style and the Vinyasa yoga style. Power yoga classes are aimed on strength and flexibility and are perfect for those who don't want to get into the meditation side of yoga.

Power yoga has become very popular in North America and Europe and is seen as a great way to workout. This is the type of yoga you will see offered in many gyms today. Because power yoga is not set on any poses, each class can be totally different and unique. This will depend upon your individual yoga teacher.

Yin Yoga is a form of yoga that entails meditation. Each yoga pose is held for a number of minutes and this helps to stretch your connective tissues around your joints.

Ivengar Yoga uses props to help align your body and could be likened to Pilates. Each pose is also held for a long time and participants use yoga blankets, straps and blogs to keep their body aligned.

It is important to understand the different yoga styles, so you know which to choose. If you are purely looking for a great workout or to lose weight quickly, then the Power and Hot Yoga classes would be your best choice.

If you wish to learn how to use meditation to relieve stress then choose Yin Yoga or a form of yoga that uses these techniques.

With this new information you will be able to ask appropriate questions of your potential yoga instructor. Or if you prefer you will understand which yoga books or DVD's are going to suit you the best.

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