Chapter 13 : Yoga for Weight Loss

Many people discount yoga as a way to lose weight. They just think that yoga is all about stretching and will never help them burn calories. Well if you do things correctly yoga can actually help you lose weight quickly.

First off yoga is a very safe and effective weight loss method. It is gentle on your joints and works the mind and the body. This is a very important aspect of losing weight, contending with the mental aspect of changing your habits.

There are certain basic poses which have been shown to be very helpful for weight loss.

The first series of poses are known as Sun Salutations. These are the kind of poses that are often used by Martial Artists and yoga practitioners in India. Poses for Sun Salutations are easy to learn and to perform, you could actually relate this pose to the more popular burpie exercise.

Some of the benefits of these yoga poses are that they help decrease your waist, improve your flexibility and your circulation. These poses are often recommended by doctors for losing weight and helping with depression and anxiety. Plus they are the perfect way to loosen up our body and condition your internal organs.

How to Perform a Sun Salutation:

  1. Stand with your palms together as though you are about to start praying.
  2. As you inhale stretch your arms above your head.
  3. Exhale and bend forward attempting to touch your toes.
  4. Inhale and use your right leg to step backwards. Your hands and left foot should stay on the ground.
  5. Bend your head backward. Your left knee should be between your hands.
  6. Inhale and hold your breath.
  7. Move your left leg from your body.
  8. Rest on your hands and keep your body in a straight line.
  9. Exhale and lower your body to the floor.
  10. Your goal is to have only your hands, knees, hands, chest and forehead on the floor.
  11. Inhale and bend back as much as you possibly can.
  12. Exhale and lift your body off the floor. Your feet and heels should stay on the floor.
  13. Inhale and bring your right foot level with your hands. Your left foot and knee should be touching the floor.
  14. Look up and bend your spine slightly.
  15. Exhale and bring your left leg forward. Keeping your knees straight bring your head down to your knees.
  16. Raise your arms over your head and bend backwards as you inhale.
  17. Exhale and drop your arms.
  18. Relax.

This is technically known as performing a round. You should try to do at least 6 rounds a day with a goal of doing 30. It is recommended that you do this pose first thing in the morning in front of an open window. It should only take you around 10 – 15 minutes each day to complete your round.

As you can see the Sun Salutations will be extremely beneficial for your whole body when losing weight. You will be able to get a leaner and more defined body in no time at all.

Of course you probably have several trouble areas that you want to target. The abdominal area is always high on your wish list and some good poses for this area are:

  • The Forward Bending Pose
  • The Bow
  • The Peacock Pose
  • Spinal Twist
  • Triangle Pose
  • For your arms use:
  • Peacock Pose
  • Wheel Pose
  • Crow Pose
  • Side Plank Pose

Your thighs will benefit from:

  • The Bow Pose
  • Shoulder Stand
  • Hero Pose
  • Triangle Pose
  • Wheel Pose

A quick internet search on YouTube will give you access to videos of these particle

poses. Or you can purchase instructional DVD's for step by step instructions.

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