Chapter 2 : Balancing Life and Work

Twenty years ago yoga was not that popular as it was deemed to be too slow. People turned away from practising yoga and instead took up aerobics. Yoga was seen as totally spiritual and not as a way to get your health back.

Trends have now changed and yoga with its slow movements is again gaining in popularity. One reason for this is because it is gentle on your joints and great for anyone suffering from debilitating pain or other medical conditions.

Many doctors have seen the benefits of yoga when it comes to dealing with stress. It is perfect for anyone wanting to learn how to regain that balance between your working and your personal life. So much so that many large corporations are including yoga and other exercises classes for their employees.

Just take a minute and think about your lifestyle right now. You get up in the morning and rush around getting ready for work. Then you rush home at night look after your kids and try to get some chores done. At the end of the day you fall into bed exhausted but cannot sleep properly!

Yoga can be a way for you to learn how to de-stress your lifestyle and make you feel great about yourself again.

It is the healing portion of yoga which is directly responsible for its renewed popularity. Other more strenuous exercise methods have been responsible for people suffering from bad knees, joint and back pain. Professional doctors are referring these people to yoga classes for treatment.

Another reason why yoga is increasing in popular is that there is more interest in getting back to natural exercise methods. People are willing to learn how to unclutter their minds and detoxify their bodies.

Studies on yoga have shown that it can be responsible for reducing a person's stress levels along with their blood pressure. With heart disease on the rise this is welcoming news.

Because of consumer concerns there is now a ton of information available on yoga. This includes books, DVD's and forum discussion groups.

The basics of yoga boils down to this: learning how to relax your body while being alert and focused. This is when you learn to focus on your breathing, a body position or an object. If your mind starts to wander then you have to refocus yourself and start again.

With stress issues accounting for almost 80% of doctor visits in the U.S. alone. Yoga is proving to be a good, cost effective way to treat certain medical conditions.

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