Chapter 14 : Yoga for Meditation

Yoga is well known for its meditation properties and people today are returning to these practices. Yoga is allowing people to learn how to meditate correctly and teaching them how to improve their lifestyle at the same time. Nothing makes you feel more relaxed and refreshed than a wonderful yoga session.

Many research studies have been done on meditation and they tend to confer that yoga helps both your physical and psychological well being.

By learning how to meditate you can learn how to deal and reduce physical pain. You can learn how to decrease your stress and blood pressure, with so many people suffering from high blood pressure this is very important today.

In fact yoga could be looked at as a self healing method. Of course it takes time to learn these techniques correctly but even with basic knowledge you can improve your health.

It is also safe to say that our actions in the past determine our future. So if you can learn how to improve these things you could technically look forward to a brighter future.

There are varying levels and degrees of meditation which are suitable for the beginner to  the  advanced  person.  Classes  have  been  specifically  designed  to  meet  these different needs. By attending a class at your level you will derive the best benefit for yourself.

Meditation may be more natural for some people, but it is an art which can be learnt. By learning from a qualified instructor you will see results faster. It is recommended that you meditate either early in the morning or late at night as this is when your spiritual energy is at its highest.

Tips for Meditating:

  • Free your mind before starting to meditate
  • Meditate in a quiet place
  • Meditate in the same place and at the same time if possible
  • Only focus on meditating and not on day to day problems
  • Try to regulate your breathing so it follows the same pattern
  • Ensure that your head, back and neck are in a straight line

After your session has finished it is important for you to note your results. This way you will learn to understand how the body and the spirit are connected.

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