Chapter 4 : Yoga and Pregnancy

Numerous pregnant women are beginning to use yoga postures and poses during their pregnancy. The health benefits of yoga are huge and women love the way they can get back to their pre-pregnancy shape really quickly.

If you are accustomed to yoga and have just discovered that you are pregnant, Congratulations!  Continue to participate in your regular classes, making modifications as necessary.

If, on the other hand, yoga is totally new to you then you are going to need to take a few points into consideration before getting started.

Yoga and Pregnancy Safety

Exercising safely during pregnancy is your priority. Yoga classes can be extremely beneficial for both you and your baby. Plus it is the almost perfect way for getting your body into shape for the actual delivery process.

For anyone totally new to yoga then look for classes that are advertised as Prenatal Yoga Classes. These classes will be geared to your entire pregnancy. As each trimester comes the exercises will be adapted to match the changes in your body.

No matter what exercise you do whether it is yoga, swimming or jogging always pay attention to what your body is telling you. This is very true during the first few weeks of any new activity.

If your muscles are extremely sore and achy pay attention and attempt to modify the yoga poses. Your yoga instructor will be able to suggest various methods of modifying almost all of the yoga positions.

When participating in your yoga class if any exercises cause you pain, then stop immediately. Joint and ligament pain during pregnancy is very common due to the changes you are experiencing. It can be very easy to injure yourself by overdoing any form of exercise. Always be attentive to your body.

Benefits of Yoga While Pregnant

One of the main benefits that lots of mothers report is that their yoga classes helped them  to  mentally  prepare  for  the  process  of  labor.  Plus  that  the  actual  delivery procedure was less stressful on their bodies too. A high percentage also reported regaining their energy and activity levels much faster too.

Mood swings can be a huge problem for a pregnant woman. Yoga can actually help reduce the amount of mood swings which you have to deal with. In addition another huge benefit was that the pregnant moms- to-be noted that their entire body felt less sore and achy overall. This was extremely noticeable during the last two months of pregnancy.

Recommended Prenatal Yoga Poses

There are certain yoga poses which are recommended and should be done regularly while pregnant. The benefit of these yoga poses is that they will have very little impact on your joints but will help you deliver your baby more easily.

The Cobblers Pose is a pose that helps your hips to open and it can be done while leaning backwards if necessary. To perform this yoga pose sit on the floor and put the soles of your feet together. Next, you will then gently push your knees towards the floor.

The Cat Stretch Pose is another helpful position to learn. This pose helps to strengthen your back and your abdominal muscles. This pose is done on all fours, your wrists

should be directly underneath your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Then do the following:

  1. Make sure the soles of your feet and towards the ceiling
  2. While breathing out round the spine
  3. Drop your head and look in the direction of your belly button area
  4. Repeat this five to ten times.

The following is a great pose if you find your legs and feet are becoming swollen. It is known as the Viparita Karani or more easily Placing Your Legs Up the Wall pose.

To get into the correct position you should sit sideways to the wall. Then you are going to bring your legs up onto the wall and your back onto the ground. Use your elbows to give you support until you are laying on the floor with your legs up the wall. Then allow your arms to lay flat by your side.

Stay in this position for as long as you are comfortable. To get up from here bring your knees toward your chest and then roll sideways.  If your lower back bothers you while lying down try using a yoga roll to help alleviate the discomfort. At first you may find it easier to perform this yoga pose with your knees bent, in time you will be able to straighten your legs out more.

All of these poses will help you stretch your muscles and allow your body tension to disappear. At the same time these poses allow you to relax and allow the tension to leave your body. Enjoy these moments and learn to take the time to unwind from your busy day.

Many yoga postures include balancing which you may find difficult as your stomach increases in size. Modify the poses by using a chair or by a wall so you have additional support.

If at any time during your pregnancy performing yoga poses on your back or stomach becomes uncomfortable then stop them altogether. Work with your instructor to find

suitable alternatives. By making modifications you should be able to continue practicing yoga for the duration of your pregnancy without any further complications.

Once your baby is born you should wait at least six weeks before returning to yoga where you should find a good post natal yoga class to attend.

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