Chapter 7 : Get Others Onboard With Your Goals


The world is made up of many different types of people both in character and in ethnic backgrounds. However when it comes to setting goals, for many this is not a problem, and most goals are set without any consideration to all the factors involved.

Sticking to the goal and seeing it through to the end is where the problem lies. A large percentage of people setting goal don’t achieve them for one reason or another.

Involve Others

One way of ensuring a goal is met is by getting as many people as possible involved in meeting its success. The group effort not only gives the goal a better percentage of success but it also contributes in many other ways.

Jumping into a group effort style project to achieve a specific goal is not as easy as it sounds though. A lot of factors need to be considered, like compatibility, logistics, time available, and may more. When there are many clashing opinions, the goal is in danger of losing its pull.

Find people who will be an asset to the group rather than someone who will be disruptive. Setting boundaries and ensuring the boundary is always adhered to, helps in many ways.

If everyone in the group contributes positively then the goal is assured of seeing some success. The people picked to work on the project together must not have any negative ulterior motive. Creating a harmonious environment to work as a group is also a good idea.

Having a good plan laid out clearly will also help people to work together well. When everyone knows what their roles are supposed to be in terms of contributing towards the achievement of the goal then the motivation factor is much clearer and real.

Taking the lead may not always be necessary if there is someone more capable in the group, and acknowledging this will also create an admirable quality for all to see.

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